Who We Are


We provide construction training for Street-works, Water Hygiene & Asbestos awareness with CSCS.

Working wonders, works with local employers to identify vacancies into which we train people into. This also allows the same people to progress into other jobs should this contract finish.

After being awarded approval from several bodies whom govern our qualifications our first achievement was securing a partnership with Trafford College, one of the most respected colleges in the North West. This agreement gives you access to the funding to get the above qualifications. 

To qualify for this funding;

  • Candidates must be claiming a form of benefit.
  • Be available from 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday
  • Be able to attend class's in East Manchester, or Stretford. (Course Depending)

Commercial Training. Employers have to keep their staff qualified and certified. We offer commercial training either by visiting your premises or your employees attending our training facility here in Newton Heath.